What happened to Lin & Barrett Lingerie Rozelle / Balmain?

Where is Lin & Barrett Rozelle?
Introducing The Foundation Lingerie Rozelle
We are still here at 648 Darling Street Rozelle! We have just rebranded to The Foundation Lingerie. Following the opening of our concept store, The Foundation Neutral Bay in July 2023, it was time to give our much loved Lin & Barrett Rozelle store a little facelift.
Is Lin & Barrett under new management?
In February 2022 the Lin & Barrett Lingerie business was bought by sisters Amanda & Michaela, passionate about continuing the good reputation of over 30 years history in bra fitting and supporting customers to feel fabulous.
Why did Lin & Barrett Lingerie change the name?
We are asking ourselves the same question! But despite the very good and long established reputation, we felt Lin & Barrett deserved a face lift, a product refresh and a name that reflects the core of what we do.
Why did we choose the name "The Foundation"?
Our grandmother, a professional woman of impeccable presentation, referred to her underwear as "foundation garments" as they helped to form the basis upon which she presented her "outer self" to the world. Our grandfather called them "unmentionables", and always said it with a wink, so as to make us giggle, like it was a naughty word.
We love the name "The Foundation" as it gives a nod to our beloved grandmother Peggie. Not only did she take care of the family and all the housework, like most women of her generation, but she worked on building herself a career which lasted more than 15 years after her husband retired. She took pride in her appearance, starting from the inside out, never being seen "without her face on" and was one of many role models we had the pleasure to admire.
Are the Lin & Barrett Lingerie Rozelle fitters still there?
Yes! Our beloved Mandy has been working at Lin & Barrett for over 15 years and continues to work with us at The Foundation Lingerie Rozelle with Elyse, Claudia, Amanda and others. While staff do come and go as their lives change and careers develop, we are proud that we have a strong team of fitters who undergo thorough training and supervision to ensure we give you all the support you need.
What about Lin & Barrett Bowral store ?
We are still trading as Lin & Barrett in Bowral for now. When we recover from the hard work at Rozelle we will likely focus our efforts to refresh the Bowral store next.